"Of Crystal & Fire"

As crystal vessels filled with the light of God,

we go forth into the fire.

Living within', consuming and all but consumed.

Life or death, dark or light,

love or hate, wrong or right...

We make a choice, in this our life.

Many times has our path led us through the flame.

We've made our choice and raised our voice

for what we thought was sane.

With the new dawn coming, a change will take it's toll.

Which way we choose, win or lose,

will mark the path of souls.

Mark well the lessons of our own societies ills.

We've got the schools raising our kids

on hope and prozac pills.

Father law is the heavy hand that tries to keep control.

"Shut 'em up, lock 'em down!"

Adults at ten years old?

I'll heed the warnings 'til the day turns into night.

I'll ride the shadows as they stab into the light.

I'll praise the morning, thank the Lord everyday,

in hopes that justice will come on judgment day.

Praise Jesus

(All copyrights owned by Robert E. Vine, Jr., REV)

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peace. REV
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